- ごれい:これから英語で遊ぼうを始めます。よろしくおねがいします
- (Let's start English Playtime. Regard us favorably)
- あいさつ (Greeting): Good morning or good afternoon
- If You're Happy and You Know It (regular tempo and fast)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (regular tempo but speed up until ridiculously fast)
- Days of the week practice
- Days of the week marching game: Have the kids line up behind you and march while reviewing the days of the week. When you yell out "Stop!", they have to freeze. If they move, they are out. It's similar to Daruma-san Ga Koronda or our Red Light, Green Light.
- Today's Lesson: Colors
- Practice the name of the colors
- Play "Hot Potato" with colors.
- The students pass a ball around while music is playing. Whoever is holding the ball when the music stops is out. However, in order to pass the ball you need to say a color in English. You are also out if you say the word in Japanese, repeat a color over and over, or repeat the color of the previous person.
- Review colors once more
- ごれい:これから英語で遊ぼうを終わります。ありがとうございました。
- Rock, Paper, Scissors with them and quickly leave before they get touchy.
4th Grade
Saturday and Sunday as well |
- ごれい: (Class leader chants and everyone repeats): Pay attention! ::clap,clap clap:: Lets start English class!
- あいさつ (Greeting): Good morning or good afternoon
- Days of the week Review, regular, fast, super fast, and slow motion
- Months of the year - regular, fast, super fast, and slow motion
- Let's count: 1-50
- How's the weather? It's ~
- How are you? I'm ~
- Today's lesson: ABCs
- Pronunciation
- Caution: B and V; G, J, and Z; R, L, and O
- ABC Song practice
- ZYX Song practice (yes, we sing it backwards too)
- ABC Song Mini Game
- Split the class into two teams and have them form a choir at diffent ends of the class room. See who can sing the loudest. The losing team has to sing the song again.
- A-Z line up game
- You can split the class into teams or just have the entire class participate. Time to see how long it takes them to arrange a set of mixed alphebet cards on the board.
- Right now, I have the whole class participate and they are competing with other grades.
- ごれい: (Class leader chants and everyone repeats): Pay attention! ::clap,clap clap:: Lets finish English class!
- Together: Thank you! See you soon! Goodbye: Rock, Paper Scissors, 1, 2, 3!
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Hi Friends! Textbook |
- ごれい: (Class leader chants and everyone repeats): Pay attention! ::clap,clap clap:: Lets start English class!
- あいさつ (Greeting): Good morning or good afternoon
- Days of the week - regular speed, fast, super fast and slow motion
- Months of the year - regular speed, fast, super fast and slow motion
- Let's count: 1-100
- How's the weather? It's ~
- How are you? I'm ~
- Today's Lesson: Alphabet (lowercase)
- ABC Writing Drill: They have three minutes to practice writing the alphabet. Then, they have two minutes to do it by memory on a seperate page.
- Ex: Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee...etc.
- A-Z Line Up Game (timed competition between 3rd - 6th grade)
- Z-A Line Up Game
- Hi Friends! p. 4 Activity: 見たことあるアルファベットの表示を書き写そう。(Copy English signs that you have seen)
- Ex: Stop, Koban/Police, open, etc.
- Students then need to tell you what they found, spell it and give you the meaning in Japanese.
- I always get a funny reaction when I have them give me the meaning of "taxi." Because in Japanese, it's "taxi."
- ごれい: (Class leader chants and everyone repeats): Pay attention! ::clap,clap clap:: Lets finish English class!
- Together: Thank you! See you soon! Goodbye: Rock, Paper Scissors, 1, 2, 3!
I advise anyone to set some time aside in order to make a successful lesson plan. Elementary is fun, but children who are bored are not. Have the students say the flashcards, quiz them individually, or have them quiz eachother. Have they sung the ABC song until their throats bleed? Now, have them sing it while facing the back of the room. Also, set rules to every game! You'll be surprised that the children will call each other out when someone has broken a rule - ruthless!
Since it's summer time, give the kids a two minute water break if you are doing any physical English activities. This is especially true for the kindergarteners, so take into account the heat and/or lack of A.C.
Last, ask your B.O.E or school for a planner so that you know what lessons were taught the previous class. You can also purchase a regular day planner as well. The idea is to be organized.
My planner! Isn't it cute? |
Good luck!